
Support that fosters inclusivity and connection

Culture change works when we offer attention to the individual and the system simultaneously.

We partner with a variety of institutions, including universities, museums, nonprofits, and startups, where we offer customized, unique approaches that are designed to meet the needs of your organization.

How We Might Work With Your Organization

  • Guiding directors, CEOs, and other leaders on their inclusion-building journey

    Creating an inclusive community is about becoming a healing presence. Together, we’ll examine patterns, stories, and assumptions that negatively impact your experience and that of your organization. Then, we’ll re-envision what’s possible, disentangle the past from the present, and build your capacity to lead others in a connective way.

  • Co-create a plan with us for strategic, long-term, stable change

    We will work with your top leaders to identify goals, themes, and patterns that require attention. Then, we’ll partner with you to develop a timeline and plan for services. This might include 1:1 coaching at the highest levels, group reflective spaces, and/or listening sessions. We design, adapt, and iterate in partnership with you over the entire course of our work together.

  • Create an internal network of leaders who enhance and solidify your organization’s inclusive practices

    We use visualizations, listening sessions, and macro-social work tools to establish a systemic perspective proven to foster collaboration and innovation. Our interventions give people a sense of healing, connection, inclusion, and belonging. They become mentors in a radiating network of culture change leaders who normalize and maintain inclusive practices.

Group Programs

  • Experience an inclusive culture firsthand in a cross-institutional cohort

    We offer special group programs for professionals in roles that require them to foster inclusion, support others, and inspire trust. The programs enhance our capacity to do this without burnout by relying on methods from meditation and psychology, neuroscience, macro-social work, and transformative justice studies.

  • Foster connection among employees so they feel trusted, supported, and inspired

    We offer group programs inside organizations that mirror our cross-institutional cohorts. These groups are intentionally diverse, with employees from a variety of roles who all care about creating a better work environment. We use educational, meditative, and visualization tools to help participants feel connected, supported, and empowered to lead collaborative efforts.

Heritage Sector Services

We work with memorial sites, historic spaces, museums, and other sites of conscience to learn to share traumatic history in a way that is transformative, rather than activating.

Fear creates. Love transforms. For many organizations whose job it is to share traumatic histories, figuring out how to witness pain and fear without recreating it is a challenge. We teach you to incorporate tools from the neuroscience of trauma healing into your historical work. This involves noticing the impact of the histories we share, identifying emotions, using practices of co-regulation to be with rather than react to pain and fear, occupying and maintaining a position of compassionate witness, and inviting others into a process of re-imagining through love, compassion, and hope.

“As a DEI professional, the support and guidance I have received through working with Sagely is incredibly valuable.”

“Lesley expertly balances empowering and lifting up your strengths while challenging you and fostering your continued growth and success. Her trauma-informed and loving approach radiates through individuals, teams and organizations, which makes for long-term impactful change.”

— Coaching Client

You are a source of wisdom, care, and healing in your organization.

We help you tap into your innate talent to be a connective, inspiring, and healing presence for others.