Healing the Pattern of Racism

Starting from Within

The Power of Self-Focused Antiracism: An Online Course

Sagely is offering a three-part online course to support leaders doing work to challenge discrimination. This course is specifically for this moment when there is intense pushback against efforts to heal from racism, sexism, homophobia, and other forms of discrimination. We will examine why punitive responses often emerge and how to manage those responses in ourselves so that we are no longer giving them power by fighting them.

This series will help you work with the fear of causing harm and the fear of failure that arise from being associated with traditionally or historically defined “perpetrator” roles. Any leader who identifies as white, has white ancestors, works primarily with white people, or reads as white in the world is invited to participate. Though the focus of this course is on antiracism, it will have benefit for anyone working to resolve conflict between perpetrators and victims as it is based on a transformative, peace-centered model.

This course is an exploration of the defensiveness, shame, guilt, and anxiety that often accompany an association with a “perpetrator” role. These feelings, even when they belong to our family of origin, can prevent well-intentioned leaders from fully and effectively engaging with the work of peacebuilding. Our goal is to witness and release these emotions so that we are freer to engage collaboratively in equity work. 

Healing the Pattern of Racism
One time

Register here to take our online self-focused antiracism course. You'll learn to apply effective strategies that build your capacity to resolve challenges in tumultuous times.

✓ Individual lessons with easy to understand frameworks
✓ Writing practices and guided visualizations
✓ Complete at your own pace

About the Facilitator

Lesley Curtis (she/her) is the co-owner and founder of Sagely. She holds a doctorate from Duke University, where she focused on storytelling and abolitionist movements. Today, she is a consultant and healer, using compassionate witnessing to resolve intergenerational patterns. She applies a transformative justice model inspired by Buddhist psychology to antiracist practices. Her method invites us to imagine new forms of collaboration in peace-centered consciousness.

In her work with allies, Lesley invites clients to apply self-focused healing strategies. This allows them to identify their individual door of entry to transformative equity work, becoming a calm in the storm necessary in tumultuous times. Our deepest wounds, when shown love, become our biggest reservoirs for compassion.

This online course includes interviews with Robyn Smith, LCSW, and co-owner Cord Whitaker, Ph.D.

Class Descriptions

Session 1

This session is an explanation of the self-focused model: how identifying our own challenging experiences carves a path forward for change. We'll cover methods for staying present with our own experience so that we do not oscillate between overcompensating and avoidance.

Session 2

This session is an explanation of how painful memories continue to reverberate, including how being expected to exclude can create feelings of fear and guilt that continue to impact our current moment. We'll work together to identify and compassionately witness prior moments of discomfort in our past.

Session 3

This session teaches you to find old patterns, including intergenerational ones, and use compassion to resolve their impact. You'll be able to spot the emotions behind the story in yourself and others. We look back to move forward, knowing that resolving our own pain frees us to imagine a new future.


  • How long is this course?

    The sessions are approximately one hour each, with no lesson taking longer than 25 minutes. Visualizations are between 5 and 10 minutes, but you can pause the recording, rewatch, and return to lessons as you see fit. Most people take their time and finish over a week in 3-4 hours.

  • What if I am a student and can’t afford the fee?

We always offer discounted rates. Please ask.

  • Is it possible to offer this for my organization?

    We offer this course and other learning opportunities, including talks and workshops, throughout the year. If you or your organization would like to learn more about our inclusive leadership method, please email connect@sagelycreative.com.

  • Is this course only for certain types of people?

    Nope. This course specifically addresses the fear of causing harm that accompanies close identification with the perpetrator role. Any one who is interested in challenging discrimination can learn from this perspective. If fear of failure or fear of causing harm impact you, this course offers a fresh, new perspective and path forward.

  • I have some specific challenges that I would like to address individually. Is this possible?

    Yes! Though online guided visualizations are helpful, sometimes working live with a guide is most powerful. Please email lesley@sagelycreative.com.